188 research outputs found

    Woodworking facilities: Driving efficiency through Automation applied to major process steps

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    The investment scenario applied to forestry development analyzes the fundamental changes in the production structure, among other things. These changes refer to the priority development of the pulp and paper industry through the chain of large-scale woodworking facilities, where pulp, paper and cardboard manufacturing plants are the key links. Such facilities include sawmilling facilities, wood-processing factories, and timber factories. Those provide a significant economic benefit, so improving them is one of the top priorities. Considering this priority is the purpose of this article. The goal was achieved using common and scientific research methods, including mathematical modeling. Theoretical research resulted in three sets of formulas adapted for evaluating the pulpwood barking from theoretical findings on image recognition. © 2018 Authors

    Method of variational calculation of influence of the propulsion plants of forestry machines upon the frozen and thawing soil grounds

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    The forests, which grow in the conditions of complete expansion of the perpetually frozen ground, are unique forests in accordance with their taxational characteristics, quality indicators of the felled timber, and the ecological functions, which these forests perform in the nature. They are characterised by the low biological productivity, as well as by the high vulnerability due to climatological changes and human economic activities. It is fair to say that conservation of the permafrost is one of the main functions of the forests, which grow within the cryolithozone. Because of this, it is necessary to ensure special regimes for the forestry management and forest exploitation within the forests of the cryolithozone. We formulated the variational problem in order to determine influence of the changeability of the physical and mechanical properties of the thawing soil ground at the boundary with the permafrost ground. © 2019 SERSC


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    Aim. Nowadays, the issue of increasing the overall effectiveness of workout programs, physical training, and rehabilitation, as well as reducing the risk of injury in active people remains acute. This is due to the fact that the number of people engaged in motor activity is constantly growing every year. The use of functional movement screening is aimed at identifying potential risks of injuries and ways to reduce their number, as well as developing an individual training program that will help to ensure active lifestyle. Materials and methods. During 2018, a study was conducted with people aged from 38 to 51 years who scored less than 14 in the FMS test (58 out of 200 people). The study is based on the domestic and foreign theory of sports training. The foreign experience of using functional movement screening was also taken into account. Research methods: literature analysis, testing, pedagogical experiment, mathematical and statistical processing. The testing process itself is based on functional movement screening (FMS). Results. It was found that at the beginning of the study the average FMS score was 9.88 points out of 21 possible (which implies the risk of injury according to the study of American colleagues). After 3.5 months, a significant improvement was achieved (more than 14 points on average). In the group engaged in fitness, there was a decrease in the number of injuries. Conclusion. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the FMS testing system, as well as the use of proposed exercises. The downward trend in the risk of injuries indicates the correctly chosen strategy. The simplicity and availability of the method also indicates its feasibility for the training process with persons involved in fitness. © 20202 South Ural State University - Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service. All rights reserved

    Application of confidential intervals for verification of reservoir model at interpretation of well test data

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    The information on arguments of an oil reservoir to a well test from the point of view of the Bayesian inference are express through even allocation of odds in room of arguments. In article application of confidential spacing for a quantitative appraisal of the information receive from the analysis of results of well test which one are us for upgrading of allocations of odds are offered. Use of confidential spacing for an appraisal of a correctness of a choice of a laboratory formation are show


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    In article one provision of the Methodical Guideline MG developed in 2012, – refusal of subtraction of a contribution of external natural radiation at the organization and carrying out an individual dosimetry control is discussed. It is shown that for an exception of incorrect conclusions at a dosimetry control, ensuring unity of dosimetric measurements and compliance of received results to the general ideology of the Integrated State System for Doses Control and Registration (individual exposure doses of citizens) it is necessary to carry out correct subtraction of a natural contribution.В статье обсуждено одно положение разработанных в 2012 г. методических указаний МУ – отказ от вычитания вклада внешнего природного облучения при организации и проведении индивидуального дозиметрического контроля. Показано, что для исключения неверных выводов при дозиметрическом контроле, обеспечения единства дозиметрических измерений и соответствия получаемых результатов общей идеологии Единой системы контроля и учёта индивидуальных доз облучения граждан необходимо проводить корректное вычитание природного вклада

    Efficiency improvement of forest machinery exploitation

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    The purpose of this work was to develop a model of the interaction process between the wheeled forwarder and the soil of the cutting area, which allows evaluating the influence of soil conditions, the parameters of the wheeled forwarder, as well as load and number of cycles of its application, on the indicators of resistance and adhesion of the forwarder to the traction surface. Modeling results for 3-and 4-Axle forest machines with different load levels showed that for different soil categories, types of bodies, and tire sizes. The results of the approximation analysis enabled the derive of calculation formulas for estimating the propulsive coefficient and rut depth after the first passage depending on the values of load-bearing capacity, body load coefficient, wheel width, and soil deformation module. The proposed model can be used at laying down the skidding roads and its optimization not only in economic terms but also with respect to the environment as intensive harvesting operations lead to extensive soil destructions. The practical application of the results is expressed in increased performance capacities of wood skidding operations and minimization of costs for restoring the productivity of forest area. © 2020 Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics. All rights reserved


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    The article examines the relationship of infectious diseases, especially opportunistic and viral infections, with the formation of chronic and physical illness. Scientific meta-analysis of the effect of infections on the start of autoimmune disease, chronic diseases of broncho-pulmonary and cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary and other systems is carried out. Special attention is given to the role of fetal viral infection in the development of congenital malformations and intrauterine pathology. The article discusses the prevention measures taken for controlling certain somatic diseases.В статье рассматривается связь инфекционной патологии, прежде всего оппортунистических и вирусных инфекций, с формированием хронических заболеваний и соматической патологии. Представлен научный мета-анализ влияния инфекций с началом аутоиммунных заболеваний, хронической патологии бронхолегочной и сердечно-сосудистой систем, желудочно-кишечного тракта, мочевой системы и других. Особое внимание уделяется значению внутриутробной вирусной инфекции в формировании врожденных пороков развития и внутриутробной патологии. Излагаются принятые меры инфекционной профилактики для контроля за некоторыми соматическими заболеваниями


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    The paper presents data on study of meat productivity horses Yakut breed. As a result, it was found that meat productivity of horses, including quality of meat products, largely depends on feed conditions. As result of research, it was found that animals from second and third groups exceeded first group in pre-slaughter weight by 3.29 and 2.99 %, carcass weight by 4.42 and 3.38 %, fat by 8.85 and 3.05 %. The study of meat quality was carried out in terms of chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics. During analysis, it was found that meat samples of first group contained more moisture compared to second and third groups by 1.96 and 1.10 %. At the same time, second and third groups exceeded the first group in protein by 1.43 and 0.73 %, fat by 0.53 and 0.36 %, P by 1.62 and 0.54 %, Cu by 9.52 and 4.76 %, Mg by 9.23 and 5.14 %, Se by 3.57 and 1.79 %, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 and B3. The organoleptic evaluation of meat products found that all samples met quality requirements of the standard. Thus, analysis of the data showed that meat productivity of horses depends to a greater extent on feeding conditions


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    Horse breeding is one of the rapidly developing branches of animal husbandry in Yakutia. Horses of the Yakut breed are only type of farm animals that are kept year-round in harsh conditions of the sharply continental climate of Yakutia. In winter, animals experience a significant lack of nutrients and minerals. This is due to fact that basic diet consists of natural feed winter pasture and hay. Therefore, the goal was to study the effect of complex feed additives from local natural raw materials on the change in live weight and biochemical composition of the blood of animals. This study used standard animal research methods. The use of non-traditional feed additives in feeding of horses contributed to an increase in the supply of nutrients and minerals to the rations. Improving feeding conditions affected the live weight of horses (live weight loss was 5.75 % и 5.45 %). The change caused by inclusion of non-traditional feed additives in the diets of horses had a positive effect on the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood animals. In horses from the experimental groups, an increase was found in the blood in total protein by 0.50 % and 0.30 %, albumin by 0.36 and 0.20 %, globulin by 0.13 and 0.10 %, hemoglobin by 2.91 and 1.33 %, calcium by 3.56 and 1.29%, phosphorus by 5.71 and 1.90 %. Thus, use of experimental non-traditional feed additives in feeding horses in winter contributes to the best preservation of live weight. This is due to the improvement of mineral and vitamin nutrition in a difficult period of deficiency of macro- and microelements, vitamins in the diets of horses. This improves metabolism, which is reflected in the morphological and biochemical composition of blood of horses


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    In article the problem of an adequate estimation of individual doses of the personnel exposure, caused by the combined action of artificial (professional) and natural factors, is discussed. Results and problems of measurement of a dose rate of external gamma radiation on the open air are shown at the use of professional dosimeters with various levels of the «zero background». It is shown that for the correct account of the natural background, an exception of incorrect conclusions at a radiation control, maintenance of unity of measurements at radiating control on open air, it is necessary to prepare new methodical instructions of the Federal or departmental level.В статье обсуждена проблема адекватной оценки индивидуальных доз облучения персонала, обусловленных совместным действием техногенных (профессиональных) и природных факторов. Приведены результаты и показаны проблемы измерения мощности дозы внешнего гамма-излучения на открытой местности при использовании профессиональных дозиметров с различным уровнем «нулевого фона». Показано, что для корректного учёта природного фона, исключения неверных вы- водов при дозиметрическом контроле, обеспечения единства измерений при радиационном контроле на открытой местности необходимо подготовить новые методические указания на федеральном или ведомственном уровне